Ramanlal Gulabchand Shah Special education & Rehabilitation Centre

" Service to humanity is the worship of god ".

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Activities Manoviikas Charitable Trust


Lok dayaro

On 1st January 1997 we organized a dayara ( Folk Musical ) for raising funds  Though the funds and promises generated we decided to build a school building at gayatri mandri .the dayaro was conducted by jitu dan gadhavi and was a grand success.The DAYARO was conducted by Jitu Dan Gadhavi and was a grand success,The very next year we arranged a religious recital, RAMKATHA By renowned saint PRAFULBHAI SHUKLA Who conducted the katha selflessly to help the charitable cause in may 1999. We mourn the untimely demise of our trustee Mr. Niranjan Raval Expired just a day befor the katha began.The katha was a success and genera promises and funds to construct a small school at land given by Gayatri Mandir.
Erection of a cow shed

As the hostel students increased we thought it better to have our own cows and a modest beginning was made on the auspicious day of MAKAR SANKRAMAN that is 14 january 2010.We started the cow shed with the holy hands of Mr. HASTIMALJI JAIN who has started a PANJAPROL at RATA 20 years back and is still running it First cow was donated by Mr. DHEERAJ as of today we have nine cattle heads with adequate milk for our children
Vocational Training    
we have been concentrating on giving some sort of vocational guidance and training to our students since last years No of our boys have gone out and are already gainfully employed we have Screen Printing earning Rs 50000/- Door mat making Earning Rs 8000/- Recently added artificial jewellery making in January 2011
offset printing unit added on 15 Aug 06 earning 2 lacs per year Animal Husbandry
Depending upon the temperament a child we are adding a few vocations every year. We have two Deaf Mute & Two retarded Adults on Salary, who have studied and are absorbed in the staff. Five adult students are employed in a garment factory and the owner is so that  more students can be employed
 Starting of Offset Printing To help students get trained and also to get a job: Printing press we started (a small 3 colour offset printing press) on 15th August 2006.Donation of 18 are (Gunthas) of Land
Natubhai Sanjanwala & Family.On 26th January, 2007, Natubhai K.Sanjanwala who has ancestral property at Degam, Donated the land adjoining the "Monovikas Charitable Trust". We have gratefully accepted it.As we have a cowshed of 10 cows today in this land


Ramanlal gulabchand shah special Education and Rehabilitation centre    
Shri Ramanlal G shah's family generously donated two acres of land at degam from their family property while Deepak r shah was rotary president vapi in rotary years 2000-2001 and also committed to futher collect required fund for the construction of building they have promised to donate further land also as and when the need arises .we gratefully accepted the donation and named the complex Shri R.G. Shah Centre for Special  Education and Rehabilitation.
Construction of school building was started on 1 march 2001 with the pious hands of MR. DIPAK SHAH son of MR RAMANLAL G SHAH and the construction is continuing till today. Total 4000 ft of school building and about 2000 ft. of staff residence was completed in august 04 and we entered the premises on 15 august 2004.PHASE 2 Construction was restarted in 2006 november and total 3600 ft of ground and first floor was completed in 2008. As of today this wing accommodates the school office and the dormitories of MENTALLY RETARDED BOYS accommodating 40 boys and a dormitory of DEAF MUTE 30 BOYS,


Under the leadership of the President Rtn. Ashish Roy Rotary Club’s Generous contribution    

The school  started expanding  immediately as there was acute need of such a facility .gayatri mandir graciously allotted us a land to build and expand there on 4th January 1998 the rotary club of vapi declared a handsome donation of Rs 4.5 lacs towards the building of the school we gratefully acknowledged by naming the school manovikas rotary vishishta prashala the school was built at an approximate expenses of Rs 500000/-and other donation in kind valued about Rs 150000/- it was 900ft of ground floor and 900ft of 1st floor. accommodating 36 boys with a library cum conference room. 2009 saw the construction of school workshop where printing unit was shifted and four small rooms for other trades were kept. However due to shortage of space DEAF AND MUTE SCHOOL is accommodated in this premise as a stopgap Arrangement.




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